Friday, December 30, 2011

PrepperLogic: Prepping on a Budget with Lynette

Be sure to listen tonight at 9pm EST.
Joining us tonight will be Lynette Fry from We will be talking about inexpensive ways for new people to get started prepping and some money saving tips for the experienced prepper.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Reaction to Oathkeepers Article - Are Preppers Mice or Men?

PrepperLogic Visits with David Sarti

Be sure to listen Friday at 9pm EST.

Joining us tonight is David Sarti better known as dsart1 on Youtube. He is a prepper with a sense of humor and a few political rants. We will be talking with David about videos and prepper infighting on Youtube and a few other topics.. Be sure to join us for what should be a fun show!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Santa Prepper

Go Everywhere Bag

PrepperLogic Radio: Santa Prepper

Be sure to listen tonight at 9pm EST.

It’s that time of year again and I wanted to make some suggestions for Christmas gifts for family and friends who may or may not be preparedness minded. Many of the gift suggestions will be “stealth” prepping gifts. So that daughter of yours who thinks you are just a bit off because you pay attention to world events won’t even know you are converting her to the “darkside”.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

We just learned that in addition to topics discussed in this video, our government now wishes to include a provision in this bill that would make transporting your firearm across state lines a federal crime.
Politicians and diapers need to be changed regularly. And for the some reason.

Friday, December 2, 2011

PrepperLogic Radio

Be sure to listen to PrepperLogic Radio tonight at 9pm EST. You can listen and also connect to our chatroom by going to It's a show you don't want to miss!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

PrepperLogic Radio

Be sure to listen to the show Friday December 2nd at 9pm EST as we discuss the new drones in US skies and the increasing loss of privacy for our citizens. Go to to listen to the show and also join is in our chatroom.